Rabu, 30 November 2016

Your Karaoke Song of Choice and Why

Hello Girls and Gentelmen
Good Morning
How are you today? I hope you are in a state of fine. Here I also good news.
This week I will write a blog about my selection of karaoke songs. I prefer a karaoke song that slow. Because the strains of the song is very beautiful. When I heard the song, I am easy to sleep.
My selection of karaoke song are songs of Naff entitled  Recalls I. Of the song, I want someone come back to me. If he does not return, I just hope he continues to remember me in his life.
My second selection of karaoke songs are songs of Sheila On 7, entitled cult secrets. The reason why I made the song because somebody sthe ent that song to me. I also did not understand what he sent that song. Until now I am still curious.
And the third song is a of Tiffani Kenanga entitled let grieving. Because of the song reminds us that we do not grieve, when we were a breackup. There are many others love to our loved. So my message is do not be too sad, if you're gutted. That's three songs that I often hear when you want to sleep. Thank you for your attention and see you in the next week.

Senin, 28 November 2016

Your favorite place you've traveled to

Hello girls and gentelmen
How are you today? I hope you are in a state of fine.
This week I weel write a blog a favorite place that I visited. Favorite place that I visited when the village is the beach. Coast scenery was beautiful. Extensive coast there are several sculptures that decorate it. Like statues turtle, gecko, hands, shoes, cannons, places of worship and so on. Really quit being on the shore, especially with my friends. We can joke laugh with loose, we could play blue sea water. On the beach  can be used as a place of refreshing . View of the beach during the afternoon verry beautiful, accompanied by the gentle breeze.
My favorite place square park and garden Digulist . In the park plaza kapuas the scenery was beautiful. Night decorated with lights colorful. That is also where we could see the crowd of people who visit the garden of the square kapuas. Second my favorite place in the garden of Digulist Pontianak there is also great scenery. Digulists of the park we could see the roundabout stakes are accompanied by fountains are very beautiful. Maybe it's just a story about my favorite place. Thank you for your attention.